A Wednesday

No No – I am not writing a review of the film “A Wednesday” but I intend to discuss a more serious and contemplating event that started on “A Wednesday”. This was a Wednesday that saw Mumbai being held hostage by madmen. This was a Wednesday which saw country’s security system fail once again. This was a Wednesday which brought out “again” the utter inability or should I say impotence of the politicians to the fore.

Media has already given it a name 26/11 but this was not a single day event like 9/11. This was when Mumbai was raped, mauled, mutilated continuously for more than 50 hrs. It seemed that it would not end. I was shocked to see the attack persist throughout the day. The shock then took the form of anger. An anger mingled with sorrow for my people who were in the middle of this. My family and friends were worried about me. But all I was thinking like the rest of the mumbaikars was of South Bombay.

Now when the city is breathing again, I am sombre. I am thinking and there are certain opinions, I am beginning to form. First that our politicians are inept at their jobs. They lack administrative skills evident from the slow deployment of NSG on the scene. Second there is a disconnect between our intelligence agency and various security groups otherwise we would not have had so many bombings/ terror attacks in the year. And Third we people fail to learn from our mistakes. We forget and forgive. We will again wake up in the morning and dress up for office. We would again follow the routine. We would again take solace in the “Mumbai Spirit”. We would again be comfortable.

We can not be Gandhiji’s three monkeys. We can not afford to stay mum at this time. We want answers from the government. Why did they let this happen? What are they doing about this? And how would they ensure that this will not happen again? We can not stay blind. We have to be vigilant, eyes wide open staring at the world saying that we are watching and we will reply. We can not stay deaf. We can not let this noise pass into oblivion. Those bullets are still firing in my head. We have to think and react. Till we believe that enough is enough, “A Wednesday” will come and haunt us again.

Published in: on December 8, 2008 at 5:19 am  Comments (4)  
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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I wholeheartedly second Ankit’s opinion that we cannot stay mum at this time. How we extract accountability from our politicians is now left to us to figure out. The irony that should strike through, to at least the educated among us, is that we pay through our pockets (in the form of taxes) when we bring a government to power, and we pay through our lives when they prove their ineptitude at doing their job.

  2. Ankit i’d like to post a vote of thanx to you for taking this initative.
    As evident its high & tough time for govt to redeem its credibility in terms of governing as well as providing security to the nation. But is; kicking out ( or compel to get kicked out ) a few political jokers , crowded rally with blunt slogans ‘ enough z enough’ / ‘ no security-no taxes ‘ ; a real solution to the probelem! ofcourse there were loopholes in the system , But do they deserve costing innocent lives? mumbai attack wz definitely shocking & disatrous turmoil for the nation;but was one more episode of their endless horrorshow for terrorists.wats needed to be understood is the flow of funds & arms to these terror organisations has to be blocked.they are not involved in any profit making business;so the origin of their sourcing is perhaps not very unpredictable.Media is on cloud 9 to present a journalism masterpiece of the decade , but least bothered to expose hands in golden gloves with terror supporters in our own country ; as it takes a little more than a courageous step & a selfless will to undrape the real picture. Perhaps its not about replying back to terror (with terror)..it cant soothen the wounded souls , but about hitting the roots & eradicating the terror.

  3. Agreeing with the points what Ankit,Deepika and Pooja has mentioned,I would like to bring an attention towards the responsibility to be assumed by us as an Indian citizen,we actually are not playing a sincere role. If our politician and media is not giving their 100 % shot,then we as an individual are also not aware of our roles.How many of us give an intimation in police station whenever a new neighbour comes to dwell in a home beside you,I think 1 % or not even that ,Who knows you may come to know that another terror attack took place and the person who was involved in all the plan was none other than your neighbour. Police at times are given fake calls regarding bomb threats in a crowded area. Our politicians are selected by our votes only,why don’t we as youths favour section 49(O),in case there is no suitable candidate. We ourself break the laws and expect our Politicians to save us and Media to hype the correct scenario. A pinch of magic is missing from what we are expecting and thats nothing but giving 100% contribution from each and every Indian towards awareness for our roles and responsibility .

  4. It was one of the half dozen mass killings that happened in 2008. And in some of those, many more people died than in the unfateful Mumbai attacks mentioned by Ankit. However since this was the first attack which targetted the British and Americans, Int’l media termed it as another 9/11. Sad indeed.

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